Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 3-4: Shrek 4 trailer run Amok

A big castle. Ogre resistance movement. There was a lot of climbing through a hidden duct system which involved toilets and slot machines. The system itself was very clean, and very strange. There were optical illusion doors that looked too small to get through unless you pushed on the sides of walls and things like that. I was hiding from assassins atop a giant owl/hawk statue at one point, and I watched them leaping from scaffolding. They never really saw me, though I wasn't hiding that well. I really don't know if I was an ogre or a human being, but then a group of humans came in. A black woman wanted to start a revolt, and asked to be led through the tunnels. I climbed through a series of progressively smaller ducts, and eventually wound up in a sort of theme park/casino. Lots of hippies and gold coins...

Outside, by a bridge, there were crocodiles/alligators in the water. I told some kids not to go int the water, but a large African American student swam to the bottom and laughed. The croc/alligators acted like they were going to attack him, but stopped just short. Everyone pointed and laughed when one of the crocs tried to mate with the student.

Theme park - swimming in a vast water park. Hotel rising out of the water nearby. Daniel was there, and we saw some bubbles in the water. The bubbles moved over to us and pulled him under, but then let him up. The bubbles, he said, were fish. Hundreds of "friendly" goldfish who tickled him.

Pirates at the theme park - and lots of balloons for a party.


Okay, I'll admit that this is one of my least interesting dreams, in that I can't remember most of it. I do know that in retrospect, I think my brain built the entire ogre resistance bit off of the trailer for "Shrek 4" except that in my dream, the ogres were thinner, meaner, and much smarter. Like, deadly, non-Shrek ogres...eh, maybe I'll delete this post later.

Also, there was this old man who didn't want to fight. I was supposed to help him get out...or something like that...

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