Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Creepiest Angel of All (Nightmare)

This may be my only attempt at putting a nightmare onto this blog. We'll see.

This is the last thing I saw before I woke up:

A bed in a darkened room. On it was the filthiest naked angel lying on his side. He was covered in hair, and his chest was coated with oil or sweat. His face was about a foot long, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. He had auburn hair that curled down to his shoulders, and big, creepy eyes. In fact, his face looked like a gross human-esque version of Hades from Hercules
A woman climbed into bed with him, but I couldn't see her in full. More like I could see one of her legs,an arm - just pieces.
"I can't help it," he said. "I just love her so much." He then proceeded to tear the woman apart with his teeth. It was violent, and the dream fell into disjointed images of what was happening


I hate it when I have dreams like this. That stupid face will stick with me for several days now *shudder*

There was more to this dream - A theater, a show - but the end is what woke me up at 6am

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dreams of Dinosaurs

This is not so much about one dream I've had, but about a recurring image over the past three days - giant lizards.

April 12/13: I remember very little, except for a moment towards the end. I was walking a long a big lake. I could see all the lake, but it was still pretty big - and reminded me of Lake Banet (no image to accompany) - sort of like a giant kidney bean. I walked to the edge, down a sort of steep incline, to a puddle of water which was all slimy and black, which I understood to be the "beach/tide" area. Out on the water, giant creatures were breaching the surface, like whales coming up to breathe. Giant snapping turtles with thick, armor plating, and ankylosaurus (plural: anklyosauri? - see image below) which did not seem to have legs. I did not go in the water, because I was uneasy with just how many giant reptiles were in the water.

April 13/14: Again, I remember only the end. I was running through a very hilly place - the hills were large and sloping, and there were always twists and bends, deep ravines, but climbable. I was part of some sort of war party, and we were fighting these giant snakes that emerged from the hills. The snakes were covered in moss and clay - they looked like they were made of earth. Sometimes they looked like dragons, with massive jaws and sinuous bodies. Then there was a woman, of sorts - she had human legs, but she had a thousand arms that whipped around her like tentacles. She had a large head and black eyes, and she laughed whenever we tried to hit her with...whatever it was we were using. She too was made of moss and mud. We ran all through the hills, hitting things and fighting, but it never felt like we were actually doing anything - not dying, not winning, not losing. Just fighting and running.

I wonder why reptiles seem to play such a large role in my dreams of late, and why I'm more neutral about them than frightened. Unease is the worst I feel, but never real fear. And even with the fighting dream, it felt strangely harmless despite all the action. Hmm....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 3-4: Shrek 4 trailer run Amok

A big castle. Ogre resistance movement. There was a lot of climbing through a hidden duct system which involved toilets and slot machines. The system itself was very clean, and very strange. There were optical illusion doors that looked too small to get through unless you pushed on the sides of walls and things like that. I was hiding from assassins atop a giant owl/hawk statue at one point, and I watched them leaping from scaffolding. They never really saw me, though I wasn't hiding that well. I really don't know if I was an ogre or a human being, but then a group of humans came in. A black woman wanted to start a revolt, and asked to be led through the tunnels. I climbed through a series of progressively smaller ducts, and eventually wound up in a sort of theme park/casino. Lots of hippies and gold coins...

Outside, by a bridge, there were crocodiles/alligators in the water. I told some kids not to go int the water, but a large African American student swam to the bottom and laughed. The croc/alligators acted like they were going to attack him, but stopped just short. Everyone pointed and laughed when one of the crocs tried to mate with the student.

Theme park - swimming in a vast water park. Hotel rising out of the water nearby. Daniel was there, and we saw some bubbles in the water. The bubbles moved over to us and pulled him under, but then let him up. The bubbles, he said, were fish. Hundreds of "friendly" goldfish who tickled him.

Pirates at the theme park - and lots of balloons for a party.


Okay, I'll admit that this is one of my least interesting dreams, in that I can't remember most of it. I do know that in retrospect, I think my brain built the entire ogre resistance bit off of the trailer for "Shrek 4" except that in my dream, the ogres were thinner, meaner, and much smarter. Like, deadly, non-Shrek ogres...eh, maybe I'll delete this post later.

Also, there was this old man who didn't want to fight. I was supposed to help him get out...or something like that...

April 2-3: Adventures in Water City, and more!

This dream was vague when I woke up, but there are distinct bits that I remember.

There was a city in "the South" - skyscrapers, massive reservoirs and aqueducts. Water was falling in sheets over the aqueducts above us, and water coated the roads in clear sheets. We drove under the aqueducts. I was seeing "family" or something. There was a big gathering - there were Native Americans dancing. A man with wild black hair and a crooked nose (who I think was our "guide?"). There was a ceremony - a hunt? Twenty or forty men mounted gleaming/illuminated white horses and ran for dust clouds in the distance. A man (different from guide) tried to join them, but was forbidden. He fell off his brown horse, but he helped one of the Indians up.

There were evil living shadows there, in the city. They followed me back to my "house," but I was stuck, or invisible, or changed somehow. They were listening to the man with black hair giving information to a girl in a pink southern belle costume. I swung a golden chain at the shadow(s), but it moved from wall to wall. I finally hit it, and it disappeared.

At some point in all of this, Chace Crawford died and possessed the body of a crow - or could change into a crow. When I killed the shadow, he turned back into Chace Crawford.

-This whole section of the dream was far more intricate. There was a reason for the hunt, the shapechanging, etc.


I was on Hwy 114, and there were lots of hotels. Parmele Hotel in tacky peach and black lace interiors. I was trying to find a room for some people - I was their guide? This one young man kept kissing me, but I don't think I was bothered by it.


I was on SJC campus, reenacting the first part of this dream(?) But I had to wear a New Kids on the Block sweater and sweatpants. I was outside Hallas Hall. D*** (name omitted) saw me and walked over to laugh at me. I was driving a small, beat-up car.


Miscellaneous images from this dream, but I can't remember where they go:

-I think we were asked to leave the southern city for some reason
-No one lived in the city. It was abandoned
-I loved all the water
-The people we were visiting felt like old family. John Goodman's voice was there, and maybe the woman who played Mrs. Bennet from A&E's "Pride and Prejudice"
-Alternating playful and serious, mixed with random "happy endings"
-A schoolroom?