Thursday, August 18, 2011

Baby Bad Omen Bird

I was in some sort of restaurant?- with mauve seats. I found a box with a bird's nest in it, and I thought that it was one of those craft projects where women reclaim old nests and decorate them. But as I was getting ready to pass it by, I heard something move in the box. I got closer to the box, and this little black fuzzball bird flapped out. It had a big black beak and spindly legs with big feet, but it's body was still covered with down. I picked it up and it cawed at me.

I was not really thrilled with the prospect of looking after this baby bird, but I walked around, trying to find someone who would take care of it. The little bird, meanwhile, sort of cawed and flapped around me, occasionally settling on my arm or shoulder. No one I met wanted the bird - they either were not interested, or were lying about being interested and changed their mind when I tried to hand the bird over to them.

So I, resigned, continued to walk through this diner with a fuzzball raven on my shoulder. It would look at me every so often, turning its head to the side, opening and closing it's over-sized beak.

* * *

I have no idea what to make of it. Traditionally, black birds like crows or ravens are bad omens. And I certainly wasn't happy in the dream, but I wasn't sad or scared. More than anything, I recall feeling very put out, like "Aw man, why do I have to take care of this stupid thing?" and resigned because no one else would help.

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