Monday, December 8, 2014


I was in a harbor, but the harbor looked like a set piece - fake and glassy.  There were boats docked around, and everything was pretty calm. I had to look over the ship manifests. There were a few cats around, big fluffy cats. I found one under the water, and pulled it out. It was waterlogged. I pressed on its stomach, and some water spouted out of its mouth. I pressed again, and worried that I would have to give the cat MMR. The cat coughed, and came back to life. I was relieved.

All around the harbor were steps floating on the water, like bridges. Walking on them was tricky.

There was a dispute between two families. A young couple wanted to be married. She was poor and the boy was noble. The father of the noble son said something disparaging about the girl's wealth, and the girl's father was insulted. They started shouting at each other, but the girl's family was near the dock and the boy's family was at the top of a tall staircase. I had to run back and forth to keep them appeased. I remember feeling overworked and slightly helpless, because while both families did as I told them, they were also not really listening to me.

I was frantically flipping pages on a clipboard, when S arrived. He said that he had spoken with the families, that they weren't angry anymore, and that everything was going to be alright. Then he held me for five full minutes, and I felt incredibly at peace.


I woke up feeling calm for a little while, before the worries of the day set in.

Having reflected on it, I think my dream setting was a muted version of that harbor city in The Neverending Story 2 - wow I haven't seen that movie in perhaps fifteen years.

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