Monday, March 31, 2014

Lion Scorpion

This dream was hazy - I remember I was running through a space. A maze, maybe, but I was not lost.

What I remember is the end.

A large black scorpion attacked me. It was so much bigger than I was - giant. I remember being able to see every detail - the bumps on its back, the shine of its shell. It was beautiful in a terrible way. It had a lion's head, also black and shiny. And it taunted me in a cruel female voice.  She called me weak and clumsy, among other things.

I had a spear, and I stabbed at it, trying to get it away. We fought for some time, and then I stabbed it where the lion's head met the scorpion's body. I pushed against the spear and snapped the head off. Then I was my normal size and the scorpion was small, but the woman's voice was laughing at me. She said something about being wrong, or about having to choose. And I looked down at my leg to see that the headless scorpion body had grabbed my pants or my leg in its claw, and the lion's head was snapping at me. The scorpion tail stabbed me...


And I woke up whimpering. In that horrible moment of waking from a nightmare - that half state where you eyes are open but you're still seeing the dream before you, I realized that I was sort of shaking my leg, trying to get the scorpion/lion off me before it stung me.


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