Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Owls and Cats

This is an old dream - I had it about a week and a half ago.

I was in a field. There was a barn/house to the side. It was evening, but not dark. There were owls in the sky. A slate grey owl landed on my arm, and stared at me for a long moment. Then it flew off. There were cats in the tall grass. There was a war on between these two armies. The cats would leap up at the owls who flew too close, the owls were trying to kill the cats.

I found one of my cats there, in the grass. She was the oldest of our cats at home, the matriarch. She had a horrible gash on her chest, and one on her side, but she was alive. She was stalking over to me, and I was worried for her. The battle continued.

I didn't pick a side - I was more upset at the owls I think, because I couldn't figure out why they were fighting with the cats. But then I wasn't always upset - at some point I was more annoyed, because the owls kept landing on me and hooting at me, like they were trying to talk to me.

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