Saturday, June 28, 2014

Catching Up

I've had dreams. I promise. Here are two dreams I've had. Now that I can get to this website again (internet issue), I can update!

Two Snakes Under a Table

There was a yellow snake on the ground – like an albino anaconda with a cobra’s head. It slithered around and I was frightened of it and tried to get away. There was a table, and I climbed on it. Then there was a small, thin snake. It was bright green, and it fought the large yellow cobra snake. I hid on top of the table. When I looked down, the large yellow snake was dead. The little green snake was raising itself towards me. It looked expectantly at me, and I saw that it was bit on the side. Blood welled from two fang marks on its side.

I understood it was asking for help, since it had helped me.



I was in a place that reminded me of my hometown, but the river was wrong. And my house was along a drainage ditch. The door was unlocked and I was nervous. I went into my house and found an Asian family there. They were illegally there – not just trespassing, but illegal immigrants. I told them I was calling the police. 

“No!” They said. “We have documentation!” I said alright, and asked them to show me their papers. They gave me a bunch of photocopies of my face pasted onto official documents. I was enraged that they had stolen my information, my face, and I called the police. The policeman arrived and arrested the family. They looked at me and were very sad, but I was so angry I did not care.

There was more – families coming out of their houses to watch. More people hiding.


I liked that little green snake. I remember how I felt like we were having a conversation, and the expectation in its beady little eyes. Snakes are a species known for emoting anything other than cruelty, but it was nice to have a friendly snake in my dreams again.

As for the immigrant one - that was weird. It didn't start with me feeling anti-immigrant, but I was so angry when they tried to use my own face to get into my house.  I wonder what this signifies, as in the real world I am not aware of my having animosity toward immigrants.

I have more, but I want to spread these out over a couple of days.