Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Undressed by a One-toothed Gypsy

I was in a convention space. It was very dark, but there were hints of mirrors and very high ceilings. The ground had a sort of gridwork of fluorescent tape, but it was haphazardly placed. It was a little like a haunted house. I was at the end of a long hallway, and there was a mirror on the other end. I realized that the solution to getting out was to run directly at the mirror. I did so, and as I got to the mirror I found it was an illusion and I jumped through. There were twists and turns and I barely made it out before the "doors" closed behind me.

It was dimly lit outside, and there was a sort of caravan. There were people - dusty people walking around. It reminded me of a Renaissance Faire, except there weren't really any costumes. I was wearing a heavy oilcloth canvas top with a map printed on it.

Ahead of me was a young woman with blond hair. She was very skinny and wearing fishnets with holes in them and a black corset with a sort of grey petticoat. She swayed about, and did not walk very well. Her brother was there - he had short blond hair and blue eyes, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't know how I felt about it, but I smiled anyway and played along. Then he untied the canvas tie around my neck and started to pull at the neckline of my top. He smiled at me, and I could see that he had only one tooth. It didn't look like an adult tooth - it looked like a baby tooth. He had this big pink set of gums and this disgusting little tooth right in the middle of his gums. I couldn't think of a way to politely tell him I was not going to make out with him. In the dream, my brain refused to think about what it would be like to French kiss a man with no teeth.

That was a strong emotional force - I didn't want to be rude, but I also didn't want to do what was expected of me.

The sister found me, and she seemed really excited that I would be sleeping with her brother. I tried to tell her that I wasn't, and then someone suggested a three way. I panicked and stumbled away.

There was a trailer, and water was lapping up against the sides of the windows. The whole road looked to be flooded out, and all these twisted carnival gypsies were clambering over debris floating around.

I felt out of place.


This dream was odd.  I might note that I had trouble falling asleep - I had a very rich dinner late at night and coffee. Before I fell asleep I sort of hallucinated red spider fairies floating above my bed.  Don't worry - they disappeared when I turned on the light.

But the black rooms, the running, the nervousness - these are not common themes for me. Perhaps the chaos of my current situation is starting to take a toll.

On the upside, I remembered a dream.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Run Down: The Consequence of Fatigue

I have been dreaming.
I don't remember my dreams lately like I used to.

For example:

I dreamt I was in a great underwater theater, in a dome. Above me, there were divers plummeting from a plane (?). All I remember was a man hitting the water in a dive, and then blasting through a window to get into the underwater dome. The goal was momentum.

I dreamt of marshmallows.


I wake up and have an image or an idea in my mind, and I know that it is only a small piece of a much larger dream, with intricacies. Except maybe for that marshmallow one. All I remember from that dream is that there were lots of tiny marshmallows everywhere.

Why this dry spell? I believe it is because between two part-time jobs, a four hour commute, and rehearsals, I am getting run down and my brain is suffering for it subconsciously. I cannot hold onto my dreams while I am so tired.

I hope this turns around - I feel very much like I have neglected all my writing at the expense of sitting in a car for hours every day.