Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Worst Microwave (and a Sinkhole too)

This dream opened with me in a house - my house. The front porch simply fell away with a rumble. Then the side of the house, which I was facing, fell straight off. I ran through the house, grabbing my family members (not my actual family, but in the dream they were). We ran to the back, as the hole side of the house got sucked into the ground. The sand was grey and grainy, and I realized we were on a sinkhole. None of us, however, left the house. We all just stood on the solid section, staring around at everything which had collapsed.


I was in a large, cavernous mall. C was there and he grabbed me and tried to throw me over his shoulder. Instead, we both tumbled over and landed on one of those cushiony mall bench things before landing on the floor. Neither of us were injured - we both were laughing. And the crowd around the mall was laughing. They thought it was great fun.


I walked into a kitchen, where my dad was warming up hamburger meat in the microwave. I went to look, and going around and around were two one pound packages of hamburger meat, and two kittens. They were tearing ferociously into the raw meat.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed.
"What? They're hungry," Dad replied. "Besides, the microwave will keep them warm."
"You don't understand microwaves!" I cried again, opening the microwave. I didn't touch the kittens, because they seemed too ferocious


I actually understand that last part a little. Our freezer broke and we lost all our pork and beef. Dad gave what was salvageable to the cats, which he said reminded him of that scene in "Jurassic Park" where they feed the velociraptors.  

It starts with an Orca...

I was in Sydney - or what I believed to be Sydney. I do not remember where I was, but I could see a big suspension bridge across the bay. Then I saw an orca whale breeching in the water. I was impressed by it, and decided to follow it. Except I didn't follow the whale on sea level. Somehow I found myself zooming upward, backward from the ocean. Then I was high above the water, following this orca whale along.

From there I found myself in a nice stone apartment. There was an arbor with ivy, and empty jars around. There were also different platforms in the room. I had a roommate, though I don't remember much about her. We had to go to a grocery store and they had coins in the handles of the carts. I kept trying to wedge mine out, and when I did it was a palm-sized gold coin - a three euro coin. I was confused because they don't make three-euro coins.

There was a jumbled bit about parking spaces, and beggars, and needing to get to my apartment before someone else (the police/?)

Then I had a cat - a pretty grey tabby tom. My roommate did not want me to have the cat, especially after the cat ate a toothpick and started throwing up. But I was concerned for the cat, and was fully prepared to pull out the toothpick once I saw it. The cat kept throwing up and then when it hacked up one end of the toothpick, instead of letting me pull it out it chomped it into a small piece. I realized the cat had it handled, and went about my business.


Two nights now I've dreamt of cats.  Glad the whales are back, though.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Chicago Hobos and Flaming Cars


A red bridge over the river with a bottom missing, just the scaffolds. I was crying trying to scoot across it (I had to take off my shoes). I made it across, and then I saw Dad following me, and he was hanging from the metal underside, like monkey bars. I tried to warn him, but he fell in. It wasn’t dangerous or anything. I wondered why I had gotten so worked up and worried.  I went back to find my shoes, and realized that I could have just walked the whole time because there was a concrete walkway on the side.

My shoes were missing. A group of young children sort of pushed me around, and I saw that these two dirty hobo women. They wouldn’t give my shoes back. The one kept trying to convince me to take other shoes, sneakers which were just as good. The other one was peeing against a wall. I was losing my temper. I kept trying to force them to give me my shoes, but they wouldn’t. Eventually I got one back, but not the other. They disappeared, and I tracked them over Chicago to a gritty underground YMCA. It was full of beggars and dank. I demanded my other shoe, and after a lot of pushing and arguing, I was given my left shoe at last. But a man who was like a short, ugly Liev Schrieber forced me to sign a contract promising to bring him more shoes. I refused, but he kept insisting.

In the teenagers kept brushing by my Dad, and I thought they were trying to rob him. I grabbed one to check, and he called me a racist.


Earlier in the dream I caused a car accident, and the car in front of me ran off the the road and burst into flames. Everyone inside died, including a little girl. I didn’t want anyone to know about it, so I lied. I opened the trunk to discover several large snakes, which I took with me.  I felt more and more guilty as the time went on, and the town held a ceremony for the little girl. I hated seeing her on the video screens with a flower around her head, dancing and laughing. I knew I should tell someone, but I did not want to get in trouble.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Glass Spaceship

I was in spaceship made of glass and metal. The character Abed from "Community" was there, and he was in a blue uniform. There were people walking about, and I had a chance to leave. I sat there in my seat for some time - most of the dream actually - wondering why I didn't feel confident with the situation. I knew there was something, but I couldn't figure it out.

So it was a whole dream of indecision.


Incidentally, I woke up and realized that you couldn't ride a glass space ship because while it can take a lot of heat, the glass would break upon reentry, and it would melt the people inside. Phew - I knew it was something!

Tina Fey Disapproves...Cruelly

It was night and I was sort of lost above a city - I believe I got on the wrong cargo plane. I remember seeing skyscrapers around me lit up.

While wandering around I realized that I was near Tina Fey, and somehow she had something I read. I was nervous and excited because I thought I had finally found a chance to show what I was capable of.

"Gladys? Really?" she said at some point, and she was so condescending I balked. It kept going - she flipped through my pages and snorted and was horrible and bitchy about everything I said. I wondered if she was trying really hard to show everyone that she wasn't like her 30 Rock character.

I spent the rest of the dream lost, floating around. I might, at some point, have been trying to get back.


This is the second dream I recall where a professional woman I respect disapproved of me. I imagine that means my subconscious is less than impressed with my life place right now.