Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Tudors - Sex and Trolley cars

This dream started in an outside casino I think. D. was there, and I wanted to play a slot machine. So he went and sat at a long cafeteria table nearby. I was in a full Elizabethan dress, as were everyone else. A king came by, and picked D. up. He was laughing and joking, and D. brought him over to me. I bowed, and we all joked around. I think the King invited me somewhere - to a party. I needed him to make something for D. - I believe I wanted him to make either a school or a shelter.

- There's a hazy bit where I think there was a deep swimming pool...someone was either swimming or drowning. I just sense that there was water and movement...-

Then I was on a very steep hill, in a setting which looked like San Francisco. I was in what appeared to be a trolley car, or it might have been a horse drawn carriage without the horses. I had to work a lot of levers and wheels to keep the trolley car moving, and I had to do all these acrobatic moves to get from one end of the trolley car to the other. I was scared we'd go over the side of the hill. I looked behind me, and there was a collection of people (still in period garb), who weren't helping. I yelled at them to help me, but they laughed at me and were really sarcastic. This continued for some time - I told them we'd fall, but they started mimicking me. I told them we needed to help the children, but they were still rude. So I swore at them, and leapt off the trolley car ??? or I dismantled one of the cars and went the rest of the way myself.

At the top of the hill, I saw medieval London on the other side. There were horse-drawn carriages, and everything was flat. There were large flat pools on the ground, and the streets were wide and white. I couldn't see the castle as I went down the hill, but when I got to the bottom I could see it, low on the horizon. The sun had set and it was dark. There was a moon - or something because everything was navy blue but illuminated.

I was looking for the king, because I needed for him to help create the children's school. I saw a man sitting on a throne, but it was Brendon (Henry Cavill). I saw the man who played Cromwell (James Frain), walking through the pale white streets, followed by an entourage of men in black robes. I avoided him. I was walking between two still pools, when I saw the King (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), diving into one and swimming. I was nervous about getting his attention - how could I get him to talk to me, when he was so busy? So I started to spin around and dance. I remember seeing myself briefly - I had elbow length navy satin gloves, a steel grey gown, and a dark cloak on. I twisted my arms about as I spun. I felt very graceful, and everything felt beautiful.

I could feel eyes on me. As I turned, I saw the King coming towards me, waving his two attendants away. He grabbed me and kissed me. Part of me wanted to stop and tell him why I was there, but I didn't. The scene switched, and we were in a rich bed, making out. There was even a fire in the fireplace (ultimate cliche!) Then I told him why I was there - and at first he seemed unimpressed with my proposal, but then he said he would do as I asked. So we had passionate sex. Afterwards, we lay there making small talk, and he quoted Shakespeare to me - something from "Much Ado about Nothing" or "Twelfth Night" I think. I wanted to reply with a quote from "Henry V" - except he warned me that he did not want to be reminded of his shortcomings. I recited the bit about not retreating from battle - "we are but warriors for the working day..." etc. He seemed happy with this. So we had sex again. Throughout this sequence, I was aware that he probably did not consider me that different from all his other lovers, but that did not seem to matter. He was intrigued by me, and that was what I wanted.


Two things:

1. It is never comfortable for me to address my more physical dreams like this - how much detail is too much detail? How much is too little? For example, I remember a lot more detail from this dream, but I don't really want to put it into words, because then it'll read smutty. Which, I guess it was, but not really. The dream sequence did not feel smutty. And writing the pillow talk down would make me feel ridiculous.

2. I don't know why my subconscious keeps going to "The Tudors." I liked the series, but I was so disenchanted with the historically correct treatment of women as disposable objects. And my current celebrity crushes do not include Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, yet he's made more than one appearance in my dreams.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fishing and Fighting

I: I was by a big freshwater lake, fishing. Or other people were fishing, and I was around. Eating flaky white fish. P. was there, and I was angry with him. He was acting like he didn't notice, which only made me angrier. I tried to move away from him, but he kept showing up, asking me to do things for him. I grabbed him, and we started fighting. He got me in a headlock, so I gauged his face, so he punched me. We were angry and arguing. I called him selfish. Then we were eating fish again, picking it off the bones because the fish weren't filleted.

II: Nearby to this, there was a sort of mall/parking garage thing, and there was an airport-style restaurant - that is, really overpriced. I was hungry, and wanted a red meat sandwich with ground mustard, but they were asking twenty dollars for it, and I thought that was far too much.

III: Dad and I were walking through a mall. I saw Mom waiting a table at a coffee house restaurant. She was serving a two-top. Dad or I commented that she was one of the best (maybe?) and that we shouldn't bother her while she was busy. She looked over and smiled at us, and she poured dad a cup of coffee in a clear glass mug, except the coffee looked almost golden in color, or maybe redder, like mulled wine. Above us, there were Christmas decorations - red garlands and amber crystal snowflakes.

IV: The haziest part: There was some sort of third person story going on. There was a tiny woman in a polka dotted dress. She was plotting revenge on someone in the mall, but it felt really comical, like there was a laugh track that was going to be put in. She wanted to find...???...that was in a big floating blimp above the mall, but she was stuck by the toy grab games. Eventually, she realized that it was all a big misunderstanding, and everyone in her storyline seemed much happier. I think there was pasta.


This dream was full of people, and food! I usually don't dream of crowded places, or at least of crowds where I am a part of them. Usually I am separate from a crowd in my dream, but here everything was bustling. And the food imagery permeated everything, which makes me think that I might be really hungry right now.